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No. 18 (2020): Kalpana - Revista de Investigación (Edición especial) Julio (2020)

Walter Benjamin, tourist and traveler: Italia (1912) and Ibiza/Eivissa (1932-1933): Walter Benjamin, turista y viajero: Italia (1912) e Ibiza/Eivissa (1932-1933)

March 25, 2021


The life, experience, and work of Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) give us a vantage point to observe from a peculiar point of view, the evolution of tourism in Europe in the first third of 20th century. His experiences in Italy (1912) and Ibiza (1932-1933) let us detect the existing contrasts between a developed touristic destination, which was well known and  accessible by public transport and a primitive island, relatively isolated and virgin, which timidly tried to promote itself, to create hotel infrastructure and to integrate into international markets. Moreover, Walter Benjamin identified the stereotype of the disappointed tourist, analyzed different ways of relating to/perceiving foreign places -which would allow for the distinction among a resident, a traveler, and a tourist, and he also seemed to decry the effects of the massive tourism he foresaw in Ibiza.


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