Experiential Marketing as a strategy for the image strengthening of the hotel service
Marketing Experiencial como estrategia para el fortalecimiento de imagen del servicio hotelero
marketing, strategy, management, hotel service, experienceAbstract
The present work is based on experiential marketing as a strategy for strengthening the image of the hotel service, whose objective is to present a tool that allows to establish objectives and expected results, defining strategic and management indicators, knowing the results generated as well as their viability. The scientific method was used as a base of information to support the research, the descriptive statistic by means of surveys using the SPSS 21 software for information processing and the MIR matrix, taking as a case study the Hostal “Blue Pacific” located in San Jacinto. As relevant results of the survey turned out to be the variable hospitality and kindness where the perception turned out to be between good and excellent represented a total of 54%. As for the MIR matrix, the positioning result is acceptable because the calculated indexes and the expected level exceed 2.50 of the average.
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