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No. 21 (2021): Kalpana - Revista de Investigación

Emerging technologies, challenges for the transformation of Senior Management in organizations: Las tecnologías emergentes, retos para la transformación de la Alta Dirección en las organizaciones

June 14, 2021


This article presents a set of conceptual theoretical elements related to the topic of emerging technologies and their role in the emergence of new forms of management from senior management, as well as the necessary conditions in the business culture to develop this process successfully, it also proposes some of the useful tools for its implementation in an effective way in order to generate, train and develop cognitive skills that allow learning and developing practices and procedures from senior management relating these to the use of emerging technologies in order to produce a change in the organization, For this, a trans-disciplinary approach is required, which allows different concepts and points of view on this issue to be put in dialogue. In this sense, we present a bibliographic review of several authors about their theoretical proposals to the field of emerging organizations and how through their use can produce business development spaces


  1. Alviarez, Zandra. Gerencia Trans compleja,Tecnología y Conocimiento: Elementos indisolubles en el SigloXXI. Disponible en [Consulta: 2020, Marzo 15] p. 86,87.
  2. Alvarez Díaz, Yurleni, Pérez González, Daniel, & Solana González, Pedro. (2017). Contribución de la web 2.0 al desempeño organizacional en las empresas del sector turismo.7-13. Disponible en [Consulta: 2020, Marzo 18].
  3. Estrella, Roberto (2013). Gerencia de tecnologías emergentes. Boletín Científico de las Ciencias Económico Administrativas del ICEA, 1(2). Disponible en [ Consulta: 2020,Marzo, 15].
  4. De la Vega, Iván. (2005). ¿La triple hélice del progreso económico? La tecnociencia, el deporte y los mass media forman el engranaje perfecto. Revista Espacios, 26(2): 41-56
  5. Igarza Roberto,(2009) Burbujas de Ocio Nuevas Formas de Consumo Cultural, Editorial la Crujia, ISBN 9876010719, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  6. Nalebuff Barry, (2005) “Coopetencia”, Grupo Editorial Norma ISBN 958-04-8641-7, Disponible en;, [Consulta: 2020, Marzo, 18].
  7. Owyang Jeremiah, Blog Gerencia de la información, Empresas 2.0, tipos, ventajas y desventajas, disponible en: [Consulta: 2020, Marzo, 18].
  8. Reihlen Markus , Metatheories in Management Studies: Reflections Upon Individualism, Holism, and Systemism, Revista Management, ISSN: 1286-4892, AsociaciónInternacional de estrategiasenAdministración AIMS, 2007.p.49-51

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