Proposed digital marketing plan for a hotel located in a small-town. Case Hotel Camino de la Sal
Plan de marketing digital propuesto para un hotel ubicado en una ciudad pequeña. Caso Hotel Camino de la Sal.
digital marketing for hotels, small cities, marketing plan, web optimization for hotels, consumer behaviorAbstract
In today's increasingly connected world, small hotels must leverage digital marketing to increase their visibility and attract a diverse audience. However, many entrepreneurs in the tourism and hotel sector face challenges such as lack of competitiveness, low revenues, high turnover and limited knowledge of their consumers' behaviour and digital marketing strategies that can improve their online positioning in Search Engines, Online Travel Agencies (OTAs), and social media. The objective is to present a digital marketing plan for a small city hotel. The methodology used was the mixed approach, to analyse the marketing plans of four hotels and quantitative methods to analyse the booking behaviour of the Camino de la Sal Hotel from 2019 to 2023. The results indicate that tourists visit small cities expecting to find an environment that allows them to be digital nomads. The recommendations therefore set out ten positioning strategies, including search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), social media advertising and OTAs.
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