Assessment of commerzalitation between travel agencies and clients to promote the competitiveness of Manta destination

Evaluación de la comercialización entre las agencias de viajes y clientes para fomentar la competitividad del destino Manta


  • Yadira Párraga Basurto Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López, Ecuador.
  • Dayana Melissa Palacios Zambrano Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López, Ecuador.
  • Hugo Francisco Zambrano Cedeño Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López, Ecuador.


marketing, destination, competitiveness, products, demand


The investigation was developed with the objective of evaluating marketing between travel agencies and clients in the Manta destination; The study is of a mixed type with a descriptive approach, made up of three phases: starting with the characterization of the offer, an intentional selective sampling was carried out, due to the low opening at the beginning of the pandemic, 9 agencies were selected, an assessment was carried out of the processes and services through bibliographic analysis, interviews and SWOT analysis, it was learned that the products offered have been affected by the COVID-19 health emergency. 196 surveys were applied through Google Forms, reflecting that the perception of visitors in relation to the services provided by these companies is good at 57.1%. When evaluating the competitiveness of the agencies (in relation to the variables efficiency, complementarity, retention, novelty, value perceived by the client) it was found that many companies do not provide complete advice and do not diversify their offer. In the last phase, to promote tourism competitiveness, an action plan was established, composed of three objectives, eight strategies, mission, indicators, and actions. Finally, it is important to increase technological innovation to improve marketing in companies.


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How to Cite

Assessment of commerzalitation between travel agencies and clients to promote the competitiveness of Manta destination: Evaluación de la comercialización entre las agencias de viajes y clientes para fomentar la competitividad del destino Manta. (2023). Turismo, Desarrollo Y Buen Vivir. Revista De Investigación De La Ciencia Turística- RICIT , 17, 46-66.

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