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No. 14 (2016): Kalpana - Revista de Investigación

Valoración de la seguridad en Municipios Turísticos de Sol y Playa con mayor actividad hotelera en México a partir de un análisis multicriterio.: Assessment of security in Tourist Municipalities of Sun and Beach with greater hotel activity in Mexico from a multicriterial analysis.

April 28, 2021


In a context related to problems of insecurity that has gone through a large part of Mexican territory in the last eight years, it is necessary to know how factors associated with public security can be treated in order to generate decision making help to design or correct strategies, systematize experiences or generate diagnoses that facilitate the implementation of public policies, programs or projects for the benefit of the tourism sector. The main objective of this study is to present a theoretical, conceptual and methodological analysis through the method of outranking relationships, addressing the problem of the evaluation of a set of tourist municipalities as a problem of multicriteria ordering. This model compares public safety in the first 18 municipalities of sun and beach in Mexico with the largest hotel infrastructure. As part of the methodology used, alternatives and criteria are identified, the indicators are characterized which are concentrated and normalized and with the participation of the expert the weights corresponding to the variables are assigned. The method used to make the final evaluation and classification of the alternatives is the ELECTRE III, while for the exploitation of the model a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm was used that results in a ranking of municipalities with better public safety in decreasing order. As part of the results, municipalities such as Bahía de Banderas (Nuevo Vallarta), was listed as one of the safest, while others such as Acapulco and Ensenada their assessment was less positive.


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