No. 18 (2020): Kalpana - Revista de Investigación (Edición especial) Julio (2020)
Current distribution range of the Galapagos Penguins (Spheniscus mendiculus) and effects of human activity on their populations: Rango actual de distribución de los Pingüinos de Galápagos (Spheniscus mendiculus) y efectos de la actividad humana sobre sus poblaciones
Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica- Ecuador
Universidad Internacional del Ecuador- Ecuador
March 24, 2021
The Galapagos Islands have been geologically and evolutionarily developed in a separate way from the American continent, this has allowed their species to have different traits generating an important endemic biodiversity. The Galapagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus) is among the most attractive and sensitive species, affected by several factors, mainly climate change, habitat alterations. This has led to locate it as an Endangered species, according to the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), as its population is rapidly decreasing. This work constitutes a commented literature revision about the situation of this endemic bird. Currently, different strategies are being carried out in order to improve its state of conservation, with the help/support of different governmental and non-governmental institutions. Different events are also being investigated that could apparently prevent changes in temperature of marine waters in Galapagos, avoiding in this way the extinction of this species. In this sense, it should be addressed that the existence and proper management of the Galapagos Marine Reserve is a guarantee to maintain the food and habitat of the Galapagos penguin, an indicator species of the health of local marine environments.
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