Tourism imaginary of Costa Brava: a study from the intermediation perspective

Imaginario turístico de la Costa Brava: un estudio desde la perspectiva de la intermediación


  • Silvia M. López Ruiz Universidad de Girona- España
  • Francesc Fusté-Forné Universidad de Girona- España
  • Nela Filimon Universidad de Girona- España


tourist destination, qualitative research, Costa Brava, intermediation, United Kingdom, tourism imaginaries


This study focuses on the formation of the “induced image” of the Costa Brava (Girona, Spain) tourist destination by the British tourists. A special attention is given to the role played by the intermediaries, both in the formation and posterior correction of the projected image of the destination. The qualitative empirical research builds on Grounded Theory, with three personal interviews realized in United Kingdom: two tour-operators (type II “inductive agents”), ranked as the 2nd and the 5th, respectively, in the top 10 of the greatest tour-operators in the British market and, a Catalan tourist organization (type I “inductive agents”). Findings, presented with conceptual maps, allow describe: a detailed profile of the British tourist, the determinant factors in the formation of the tourist’s image about Costa Brava as well as the main weaknesses and strengths of this image. Findings could be useful for the managers of the Costa Brava tourist destination both for improving and/or changing the existing projected image.


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How to Cite

Tourism imaginary of Costa Brava: a study from the intermediation perspective: Imaginario turístico de la Costa Brava: un estudio desde la perspectiva de la intermediación. (2020). Turismo, Desarrollo Y Buen Vivir. Revista De Investigación De La Ciencia Turística- RICIT , 14, 64-87.

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