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No. 26 (2024): Kalpana- Revista de Investigación

Proposal of indicators for tourism competitiveness in the development of ventures in the northern region of Manabí, Ecuador: Propuesta de indicadores de competitividad turística en el desarrollo de emprendimientos de la zona norte de Manabí, Ecuador

April 9, 2024


The purpose of this research was to identify competitiveness indicators that allow evaluating the development of tourism ventures in the northern area of Manabí. A mixed methodology was adopted, employing a narrative and non-experimental design of a descriptive nature to address the issues in these ventures, dividing the process into three phases. In the first phase, an exhaustive literature review was conducted to select the proposed indicators. The second phase involved a situational tourism diagnosis of the ventures by applying 196 questionnaires to tourism entrepreneurs in the area. Finally, the third phase included the selection and validation of the indicator proposal using the Delphi technique, carried out in two rounds. In the first round, the inclusion, exclusion, or acceptance of the suggested indicators was assessed, and in the second, efforts were made to validate the most relevant indicators, considering the statistical results associated with the mean, median, and standard deviation of each indicator. As a result, experts selected twenty-seven key indicators for the proposal. This study provides relevant information to tourism ventures in the area, establishing a foundation of indicators that will serve as a guide to enhance competitiveness and guide future research in this field.


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