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No. 26 (2024): Kalpana- Revista de Investigación

Technological management for a tourism system. Case study Calceta: Gestión tecnológica para un sistema turístico. Caso de estudio Calceta

January 26, 2024


This article aims to characterize the elements of the tourism system in the parish of Calceta, as well as to evaluate the technological management carried out in tourism companies through the application of indicators using the Delphi method, and to design an integral plan of technological management strategies applied to the tourism system of Calceta. An exploratory bibliographic documentary research was carried out based on the synthetic analytical method, with a qualitative and quantitative approach; using tools such as direct observation, the Development and Land Use Plan (PDOT) of the Bolivar canton, the inventory of tourism resources of Calceta prepared by the Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR), surveys, expert criteria matrix and SPSS software. This research revealed weaknesses in supply, infrastructure, and governance, emphasizing the scarce use of technological resources in the area of tourism services, and the deficient management of technological management regulations by the GAD Bolivar. To address these deficiencies, strategies and programs were proposed within the comprehensive plan, aimed at promoting innovation and implementing new technologies in its infrastructure and operational efficiency, to contribute to its development and growth as a destination.


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