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No. 24 (2023): Kalpana- Revista de Investigación

Tourist gentrification of the Historic Center of Quito: Gentrificación turística del Centro Histórico de Quito.

March 21, 2023


The objective of this work is to identify if there is a process of tourist gentrification, through the analysis of the changes suffered in recent years in the Historic Center of Quito. The study was developed using a mixed methodology, of an analytical descriptive type, to adequately interpret the results obtained from a survey organized into ten closed questions, which was applied in seven neighborhoods. Regarding the effects that have occurred gradually through gentrification, in tourism, it was identified, on the one hand, improvement of the tourist plant by the creation of restaurants, hotels, travel agencies, however, also A displacement of people and abandonment of houses is identified, which has caused several affectations such as the gradual decrease of traditions, legends, among others, losing an important tourist resource, to this is added, the increase in problems such as insecurity, begging. It should also be noted that the degree of affectation is very difficult to identify, therefore, the study being carried out in situ, I seek to obtain data that clarify this situation, to correct future problems, such as loss of identity, creation of tourist enclaves, inequality, lack of opportunities for the inhabitants and limitations to develop the tourist activity.


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