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No. 17 (2019): Kalpana - Revista de Investigación

COPC a Quality Model applied in a Travel Agency, success story: The Paradigms of the PSIC GMD 5.0 Standard on PriceTravel Holding: COPC un Modelo de Calidad aplicado en una Agencia de Viajes, caso de éxito: Los Paradigmas de la Norma PSIC GMD 5.0 en PriceTravel Holding

March 30, 2021


Nowadays when we talk about quality service, we immediately think about the CLIENT; this is because we all look for quality in our products and services through which we can satisfy our needs, at a low cost, that are durable, technological, but above all achieving a unique experience. We will analyze in this article, if this quality really focuses on the client or is another form of sale that is handled in companies.

In the tourist sector this behavior is not the exception, for this reason in 2016 PriceTravel Holding makes the decision to use the PSIC GMD model 5.0 through the COPC standard, which is based on four fundamental pillars, which guarantee an improvement in the performance of the team work, better continuous processes, business continuity, information security and a quality management system.

Taking into consideration the above, in this article we will analyze the results obtained in the implementation of the model, which are in Table F where Price Travel presented a 10% increase in sales, reduction of customer dissatisfaction and staff turnover in 3% vs. past year.  We will review the scope that presented the certification within the quantitative objectives of the company; concluding at the end of it, if the objective was met or not.


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