Safeguarding: a tool for the conservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage, applied to rural territories.: Salvaguardia: una herramienta para la conservación del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial, aplicado a territorios rurales.
This research was conducted to contribute to the continuity of the manifestations of intangible cultural heritage in the rural parishes of Latacunga canton, the study is based on the analysis of popular festivals for the development of a safeguarding plan, it addresses the identification, research, and definition of specific actions to allow the manifestations to remain in force. The methodology used is descriptive, based on the qualitative approach with the application of the life history instrument. By means of which a direct approach to the bearers of the manifestation is generated, to collect their meanings with respect to the intangible cultural heritage. The majority of the manifestations studied remain in force, while fewer are those with a high or medium level of vulnerability. These findings imply that, although intangible cultural heritage in rural areas has a low level of vulnerability, it is necessary to protect it by detecting threats to the transmission of knowledge, know-how, techniques, or practices inherent to the manifestation. This research contributes to the area of cultural tourism through the determination of the degree of vulnerability of the manifestation and the construction of strategies for its promotion.
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