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No. 19 (2020): Kalpana - Revista de Investigación

Diagnosis of the canton Montalvo tourist system, Los Ríos Province: Diagnóstico del sistema turístico del cantón Montalvo, provincia de Los Ríos

March 17, 2021


The objective of this research is to diagnose the tourist system that of the current state of tourism in Montalvo, for which purpose a non- experimental cross-sectional methodological design was proposed, using deductive and analytical-synthetic methods. The implemented methodology included the characterization of the study area, the current situation of the tourist planning of the canton was analyzed, inventories of tourist resources and services were analyzed, a strategic and demand analysis was prepared, tools such as interview, survey, files were used inventory and database of tourist services as well as local management matrices, SWOT, strategies and potential. As part of the results, it was found that the study area has resources within the category of sun and beach and ecotourism with notable potential and demand that require the intervention of sustainable principles based on strategic planning aimed at strengthening tourism activity in Montalvo.


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