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No. 26 (2024): Kalpana- Revista de Investigación

From the heart to green action: a quantitative analysis of environmental awareness in young travelers in the coastal region of Ecuador: Del corazón a la acción verde: un análisis cuantitativo de la conciencia ambiental en jóvenes viajeros en la región costa del Ecuador

February 17, 2024


This article analyzes the environmental efficiency, environmental consciousness, environmental concern, health consciousness, and cognitive and emotional development of tourists in Ecuador's tourist destinations. The study uses a quantitative approach and a non-probability sample of 555 tourists. The research instrument is a questionnaire with descriptive questions and 23 indicators measured using a Likert scale of seven points. The results show a significant relationship between emotional and cognitive development with environmental consciousness, health consciousness, and environmental concern. The findings suggest that tourists are more environmentally conscious when experiencing emotional situations, while cognitive development is more linked to green efficiency. The article concludes that tourism is a greater environmental commitment when experiencing emotional situations, while cognitive development is more linked to green efficiency.


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